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Less than 10 Years Away from Retirement?

Retirement planning should ideally start a good few years before you are ready to retire, and one of the greatest and the most obvious concerns is having sufficient funds to live a comfortable lifestyle.

There are countless financial planning companies and options available to people saving money for retirement, it is normally wise to seek help for your financial planning needs from a regulated service well in advance.

Whilst you are considering retirement you may want to think about the following:

  • Deciding whether retirement is what you really want

  • Deciding where to live during the retirement years (some people look at selling their houses and moving to somewhere perhaps with a more pleasant climate or being close to loved ones)

  • What to do with your time in retirement (e.g. education, travelling – possibly taking a European tour you have been dreaming about for years., etc.)

  • Think about the possible impact of extra time with your partner

  • Consider your ideal lifestyle home or away…

  • Or maybe you could spend a chunk of time catching up with friends and family you have not caught up with in sometime

Thinking of how you will keep a sense of purpose in such ways as:

  • Finding personal fulfilment in leisure activities (hobbies, etc.) or finding volunteer work

  • Possibly opening a business (you may also think of turning a hobby you love into your own business after you retire, particularly if you are able to retire at a younger age. There is lots of help available for small businesses to get you started)

Whatever you decide to do, you may need some help to draw out those inner passions to make best use of this amazing opportunity, please contact me if you would like me to send you out a free retirement assessment.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you find some of these DeClutter Angel, small steps BIG IMPACT ideas on retirement thought provoking…

For information, or to receive the free retirement assessment contact: Karen Taylor 07948 529587

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