DeClutter Angel’s Look at Healthy Lifestyles - Part 3: Importance of Exercise – Falling in Love with
Coming towards the end of January and possibly those New Year’s resolutions may already be forgotten, so take a look at the final part of my DeClutter Angel’s Look at Healthy Lifestyles and remember, it’s not just a push for a few days after the 1st January, it’s about a healthy journey through life and the emotional benefits you will feel from small positive changes…
Importance of Exercise – Falling in Love with the Process
You may find you have difficulty in finding time for regular exercise even though you see the importance. January is always saturated with adverts to pull you into gyms and clubs and there is hope to fill their classes with hopeful New Years’ 'resolutioners' to become fitter, healthier, and commit to long term contracts. Although this can provide good results, it can be quite expensive and a big commitment if you lose motivation.
It is also possible to find ways to add exercise to your routine without causing too much disruption or cost. For example;
stretch in the mornings, even for a few minutes
dance to music (its great cardio, a calorie burner and you will benefit from feel good endorphins)
try to enjoy chores with music and an extra spring in your step
park a little further away at the supermarket car park
take the stairs instead of the lift
go for a walk each day after dinner
walk or jog at lunch and eat lunch during the working afternoon
workout with friends in the local area and help each other
plan an exercise commitment at home into your routine – book a slot if you can
wear a pedometer to be more aware of how much you move and increase it by day
potter in the garden
employ a cheerleader – friend, personal trainer or life coach that will help you get excited to achieve
Importantly, remember not to beat yourself up - or even worse - give up, if one day you don’t meet your aims… It’s a journey of the rest of your life, not a one-day opportunity that will expire.
As we have established it is key to find an exercise program that works well for you, couple this with support and recognition you will re-inforce the foundation of your original commitment to get healthier. Rewards can be built into your short and long term goals to keep motivation high too, they don’t have to be unhealthy food related, they can be other treats such as a back massage, a trip to see an old friend or even a pre-organised duvet day!
Exercise programs can also be an important part of a weight loss regime, where weight-loss is a fundamental goal, one thing to always be aware of is keeping a realistic image of yourself, and your body image. I know myself, when I have been at a healthy weight already, but have felt the draw to be 10 or so pounds lighter because media images portray that we need to look like a size zero supermodel. Thinness is idealised in advertising, film and television programs, as a result we are constantly bombarded with the message that we need to be thin to be healthy and socially acceptable. “Thin” and “healthy” are not the same thing! We need to create realistic ideas about own bodies (see my Part 1 DeClutter Angels Look at Healthy Life Styles – Do You Have a Healthy Weight & Body Image for more about appropriate body image beliefs).
Falling in love with the process is half the battle of creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, once you start to see results and feel more energised you are more than half way there and will reap the rewards both today and in later life.
If you are struggling with any area of your life that you feel needs some cheerleading, clarification or refining contact me for a free telephone consultation and I will see how I can help.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you find this DeClutter Angel, small steps BIG IMPACT blog on Importance of Exercise – Falling in Love with the Process nutritious food for your thoughts…
For more information, please contact Karen Taylor: 07948 529587